
Application Stories

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A new approach can inspect a large number of parts in considerably less time than is required by conventional methods.
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A special automation project that relies on low-cost, standard components has made it possible for one operator to produce six times as many drives...
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3D Biotek LLC has pioneered the introduction of 3D cell culture devices for tissue engineering and drug discovery applications.
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Mosaic4u of Herzelia, Israel, produces mosaic murals from tens of thousands of little tiles glued face on to 300 by 300 mm (12 by 12 inches)...
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CaptiveAire, Raleigh, North Carolina, the leading manufacturer of commercial kitchen ventilation systems, uses stud welding to attach fasteners to...
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WeldTech is dedicated to providing quality automated systems, applications, and service in the areas of thermal spraying, plasma transfer, and plasma...
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The "EnviSim4Mare" research project was formed to investigate how the growth of mussels, algae and other small sea creatures influences the...
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An economical, accurate gantry table was key to the development of a new line of laser scanners that provides precision reverse engineering at a...
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A high-performance gantry motion system is playing a key role in the rising popularity of non-contact ultrasound testing, a revolutionary approach to...
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A well known auto maker was looking to automate the QC regarding the thickness of coatings on sheet metal parts. After discussing the range of the...
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A prospective client approached us looking for help in getting their new product ready for production.
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The realm of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is expanding, moving down from high altitudes and clear skies to fly amongst buildings and in forests.
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The rigors of pass-fail are not just the pressure-cooker of classroom angst in the world of education. In the business world, the difference between...